An engineering-focused variant, the An'quat class is relatively smaller and simpler in design when compared to its sister classes. Like their main inspiration, the Bortasqu' class, the Command Battlecruisers feature a stocky hull with short wings. The An'quat-class Command Battlecruiser is an engineering centric variant and as such features more engineering console slots and engineering bridge officer seats than the other Command Battlecruiser variants. The Command Battlecruiser incorporates innovations from KDF battlecruisers to make it into the ultimate vessel for fleet operations. While Klingon Command Battlecruisers can act as mobile command centers that inspire and inform fleet allies, they are designed specifically for battle. When the Starfleet Corps of Engineers shared some of the specifications for Starfleet's new Command Battlecruisers with the teams from the Klingon Defense Force, the Empire's engineers decided to take the technology and give it a uniquely Klingon spin.
The new spirit of détente in Operation Delta Rising has led to more cooperation between engineering teams throughout the Alpha Quadrant.